October 11, 2009


 Let me start off with saying that applying to college should not be this frustrating.  Today i had yet another breakdown about this whole college thing.  However, my dad sat down with me and went over all the possible scenerios that could happen with college and I feel a bit better now. I really do need to buckle down and do my essays and finish my applications as much as I hate it.  
Other interesting updates:
- I have started watching this show called FlashForward on ABC.  It's really interesting but kind of weird.  The premise is there was a terrorist attack where everyone blacked out for exactly the same time and got a glimpse into their futures.   The reason it’s so interesting is because it deals with the question of what would you do if you knew what would happen a year from now.
- Last night I went on a new music binge and downloaded some great new songs.  They'll be on the media player once I get that working.
- I found some great dresses on sale today from Macy’s! (I've been in a spending freeze so this was quiet exciting)
- I'm almost done applying to be a GUCI counselor next summer!

“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.”
-Albert Einstein

Mr. biker

Taos, New Mexico

October 1, 2009


Welcome to lifewithnaomi.  My name is Naomi and I live in Dallas, Texas.

The basics: I love fashion, art, and 1960’s films.  

Most of my work is digital photography or photo polymer prints, however, every once in a while I venture into the world of digital design and drawings.    The artists whom have greatly inspired me are Goya, Andy Warhol’s album covers and movies, Annie Leibowitz’s portrait work, Ansel Adams’s landscapes, and Matisse, Yves Klein and Manet’s use of color. 
My work is inspired by the color of nature’s power and world architecture.  In the past couple years my travels to Ephesus, Timbuktu, and Taos, New Mexico have become the main focus of my photography.  Two other influences are ruins and cathedrals.  My interested was peaked on a trip to Turkey, the summer of 2008, when I visited the ancient Roman city of Ephesus.  I was particularly taken by the combination of the undulating landscape wit the symmetrical ruins.  Over time I have continuously been drawn to a bright blue sky similar to Yves Klein’s blue.  Even if the piece’s subject is something as contemporary as a car, I try to capture the boldness of a clear blue sky.
This past year I have begun to explore printmaking, in particularly the process of photo polymer plate-making. 
A resumé is available upon request.

“The dominant invades the entire picture, as it were. In this way I seek to individualize the color, because I have come to believe that there is a living world of each color and I express these worlds.”
- Yves Klein