February 23, 2010

My Object of Desire

Untitled (ideas for title?)

Untitled (title please?)


So this week marks the end of the first six weeks of my last semester senior year.  Similar to every other second semester senior, I have no motivation.  Once applications are submitting we are told to wait.  There is nothing else we can do, everything we have spent our short lives attempting to accomplish has been submitted.  While I know colleges look at my second semester senior grades, there is something in me that has given up.  At seventeen I should not feel burnt out, I have my whole life ahead of me there is no need to feel like a grandma. 
My parents always told me my job was to get into college, and the rest of my life would fall into place.  These last four years have been a marathon, in order to compete there was no stopping for a break.  While my parents my disagree, I have spent 95% of my past four years working towards this goal.  I am exhausted.  I just want to sleep and relax for a year.  I always thought people that took a year off in between   high school and college were lazy, but maybe it makes sense to take a year off between these two races to regain our bearings. 

February 22, 2010

The Lens of Impressionism

Last night I went to the reception for the DMA's new exhibit "The Lens of Impressionism" and I came away extremely inspired.  The show flowed seamlessly with a mixture of photography and paintings, there were a few etchings spread throughout the exhibit but they were hard to distinguish from the photography, unless you looked at the description.  The photographs of Le Grey and Edouard Manet were breath taking although extremely different.  Le Grey focused on finding strong contrast between the sky and the sea, developing his own technique of combining two separate images to create a stronger contrast.  Contrasting Le Grey were the loose fluid strokes of Manet, that perfectly captured the essence of a day on the beach in On the Beach, Boulogne-sur-Mer.  The lack of faces on the female bathers adds to the spontaneity of the piece.

Lighthouse and Jetty, Le Havre, Gustave Le Grey

February 16, 2010

I am sorry

First things first, to all my lovely readers I am sorry.  I have been a horrible blogger, so I will now fill you in on what has been going on in my life.
I have been accepted into college, although it is not my top choice it is a nice possibility.  SMU is really close to home, which is my major trepidation, however, it has a really strong program for what I am interested in.  My dad is trying to convince me to submit my art portfolio to the school, but I don't know if I want to.  The two exciting things about SMU is they have offered me money and I am a nominee for their hilltop scholars program.  I really want to be one of their hunt scholars, so I'm waiting to hear from them.
Thomas has come and gone sadly, but he is doing well.  He got to come home for thanksgiving, so I actually got to spend an entire week with him! This month marks our halfway point for this stupid deployment.
I have become a craft addict.  I just finished my first scarf and am working on two different ones now.  One  blue one for my dad and a striped one for myself.  I must admit I get really excited when I stumble on a great sale on yarn.  I am also in the process of decorating my room for my moms apartment, so I need lots of decorating ideas!
Lastly I have taken a change in my focus in art.  While I am still doing photography, I have started working with mixed media work.
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